Programs in Greece!!!
We all need a little bit of joy these days, so here we are to give you some! A little over a year ago, the very first space that Reading on the Pitch implemented outside of the United States in Athens, Greece, was closed down and the community living there was moved to a camp an hour and a half outside of Athens. At the time this was occurring, ROTP mourned alongside a community as we all witnessed the dismantlement of years of effort towards integration, not of isolation. On that day, ROTP made a commitment to return to Athens and bring Reading on the Pitch back to this community. So here we are!!! We have returned and reconnected with the members of the original community living there, as well as have begun building new connections. And with Reading on the Pitch’s model of sustainability we have had the ability to continue moving forward even with the challenges that surround all of us worldwide. We have trained individuals living in the camp in the ROTP curriculum, provided equipment for the program, and are in continuous collaboration with the community. We are overjoyed to see that the program is up and running, and even if it is just a handful of the 31 million displaced children we are playing with, it is a handful that are now playing and learning!!! Exercise is essential for all of our mental health. Play brings joy. Education opens doors to opportunity. And we are doing all of it!!! It has been with ALL of your support that we are able to accomplish these moments of success, and it brings us enormous joy to share our happiness with you as together we give our children even the slightest of what they deserve. Forever and always…thank you!!!